
This is the English edition of Yoon WoongDae’s Substack, translated by Emily Balistrieri. Yoon WoongDae is a third-generation Zainichi Korean born in 1970 in Kobe, Japan. His experiences conducting interviews with over 1,000 figures from various fields plus his training in different types of martial arts has led him to write on philosophy of the body. His books include Sayonara otokoshakai (A farewell to the patriarchy; Akishobo), Ibun fudoki 1975-2017 (Curious records of lands and cultures 1975-2017; Shobunsha), Moyamoya no shōtai (What’s really bothering you; Mishimasha), Wakimichi ni soreru (Sidetracks; Shunjusha), and more. He lives in Kyoto. https://nonsavoir.com/

I’m beginning my Substack in February of 2021.

Currently, I make my living writing books and doing interviews. My newsletter will consist of things I’ve felt, realized, and thought about as part of that process.

Substack allows you to have a strong connection to your readers. I feel like I’ll be able to get a more direct reaction from the people who read my work.

When describing the world, lots of tough topics come up, like how constricting it can be, or how fake—things that upset us.

But I believe reality is more than meets the eye. I feel like Substack might be a clue to creating a space that doesn’t end simply with empathy. So I’m going to experiment in that direction.

It’s not ignoring reality or escaping into positive thinking, but planting your feet on the ground and springing into the air. When that happens, what do you see? What does your body feel in motion?

It just might be something you could call “hope.” My intention is to post about those sorts of preverbal things. 

My daily life takes place in Japanese, so I’m curious how people who live in areas where only English is spoken, or anyone who speaks and writes English, will read my work.

Subscribe to Have a Seat

The body, philosophy, and more by Yoon WoongDae


in translation by Emily Balistrieri